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Raised in a working-class family, Matthew (Matt) knows firsthand the value of public education and hard work. As the first person in his family to graduate with a college degree, Matt is committed to ensuring that EVERY child in Jersey City has access to the opportunities that education provides. His upbringing taught him the importance of community, responsibility, and giving back.


A dedicated father of two children who attend PS5 school, Matt has been an active volunteer at the school, helping with playground duties and supporting the staff when schools reopened. Beyond his involvement at PS5, Matt teaches elementary students at his local church, volunteers with his family at the Triangle Park Community Center, and contributes to local organizations such as the Food Bank of New Jersey. His deep connection to the community is at the heart of his commitment to making Jersey City a better place for all families.


Professionally, Matt brings nearly 20 years of experience in business management, product development, and global program management. He spent three years working in China, gaining valuable experience in global operations and consensus-building across diverse stakeholder groups—skills that will be essential on the School Board. As a local business owner, Matt and his wife run a successful mental health counseling practice in Jersey City, employing over 65 people. His experience managing resources and leading teams has given him a practical understanding of fiscal responsibility and strategic planning.


Matt's academic background further distinguishes him as a candidate. He holds an undergraduate degree and a PhD in engineering, and later earned an MBA from Carnegie Mellon. He is currently working on a master’s degree in International Affairs from Seton Hall University. His blend of education, professional expertise, and community involvement equips him with the knowledge and vision to make a real impact on the future of Jersey City Public Schools.


Matt’s platform, "Stronger Schools," focuses on successful students, smarter spending, and satisfied stakeholders. He is dedicated to ensuring that resources reach the classroom, and that every student—whether an advanced learner or someone with special needs—receives the support they need to thrive. He is equally focused on eliminating waste and unnecessary expenses that have driven our taxes to soaring new heights.  

Matthew (Matt) Schneider, PhD, MBA


Successful Students

Students deserve to graduate prepared for their future, whether pursuing higher education or entering the workforce with practical skills. This also means our special education students have the assistance they need to complete their individual educational plans. To do this, we must ensure that our classrooms are well-resourced, from our top students down to our special education programs.  We must prepare students for emerging fields like artificial intelligence. It also means supporting their mental and physical health to foster long-term success.


Smarter Spending

We must adopt a more strategic approach to managing the $1 billion budget. This involves correcting dysfunctional financial practices and finding efficiencies, particularly in facilities and IT budgets. Investing in capital improvements can reduce long-term operating costs, while a clear IT strategy can enhance transparency and effectiveness.  We need to spend smarter, not just spend more. Matt is committed to ZERO tax increases for the foreseeable future. 


Satisfied Stakeholders

Balancing the needs of students, teachers, parents, residents, and taxpayers is essential. I am committed to transparency and accountability, including timely responses to communications and reintroducing regular town halls to foster engagement and feedback. The previous board made this commitment, but it has been neglected. It’s time to restore it.​


The only way we accomplish this is by being strategic, objective, data-driven and outcome based.  We need to make sure every dollar spent leads to successful students or return it to the tax payers.  We can do this by engaging the amazingly diverse and engaged Jersey City Community.  Let's MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN, TOGETHER!


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